22/2/19 Looking forward to spring!

Gosh what a hell of a winter have I had! The weather has not been bad at all but health wise I’ve been totally debilitated! Since September I’ve been hospitalised for 3 days due to gout,had to visit Goole minor injuries with breathing problems, have had to call an ambulance and go to York A & E with breathing problems, I’ve had at least 5 more bouts of gout which I try to control through my diet, more recently I’ve had 4 weeks where I’ve been totally wiped out with no energy at all just about able to sit with a duvet over me! I’ve had gout, diarrhoea, muscle weakness, a cold and a bad chest infection which has given me breathing problems. Any one of theses problems would’ve been bad enough on its own but I had them all at once which totally wiped me out, I’d go as far to say I felt worse than I did6 years ago when I had my stroke!  Suffice to say I thought I’d never be able to do my excercises, but since this last Sunday I can honestly say I’m much better and totally myself now! Thank goodness! My sports physio has still been coming all the time I’ve been ill and yesterday we were able to actually do all my excercises! Yahoo! Let’s hope this continues. I was so happy to see that they had all improved remarkably, long may it continue! Message to all my readers that even when you think everything’s so bad and you really feel rubbish, don’t give up keep going, keep your eyes on the prize, you will get there! Let’s hope I have several weeks now of feeling great, roll on spring! 


On the 26th an 27th of March 2019 is NAIDEX at the NEC. This is a disability and accessibility show with all the latest technologies and should be great, Kevin and I have registered for our free tickets and are going to it. I’m excited it’ll be so good! I’ll let you know how we get on. 

Not much more to say as I’ve had no energy to do anything! We’ve a nightmare with Aimee’s car. She rang me up from Leeds one morning saying her passenger window and the boot door had all been smashed and the police had taken it away. So we had to pay to get it back and then for the repairs too. She also had her computer and college work stolen too so had to have an extension to her assugnments for college. She has her car back now all repaired! Plus anew computer too. Great news too she has a job in a shoe shop at the outlet so that’s so good. She’s really enjoying it too, so that’s even better.

I really hope that you are all well please try and stay positive even when it seems impossible. There’s no doubt you get out of life what you put in. Keep striving to be best version of yourself! Till next time!