Happy New Year
What a start to 2016. I updated my blog then found it had deleted everything! Happy new year to one and all, hope this finds you well and starting 2016 with a spring in your step. The only resolutions you should have are to excercise little and often, eat more veg and cut out sugar.
We had a great Christmas at my brother's. We had one extra, a lady from their church who was at the Christmas day service. She was going to be spending Christmas alone so as there was plenty of food they invited her for the day. Guess what........ I drove! Brilliant!
Useful publications.
Updating finally and putting all the useful publications on again. I spent about a year finding out about benefits etc and sorting out the car all of which I had to find out about with the help of my sister-in-law. I had just come out of hospital and after a 12 week stay there was alot to get my head round and it was the last thing I wanted to do as I felt far from myself and was bent and doddery due to my mobility problems. I just wanted to get better and relax no stress. How wrong could I be! I had battle after battle with the powers that be the DWP and tax Office too. So bad that after the phone calls I ended up in tears of frustration as my voice was not as good as it is now, and many a time they put the phone down as they thought no-one was there. Frustrating to say the least. But I found a really useful book on a website www.disabilityrightsuk.org that was great and has a wealth of information. Called 'Taking Charge' A practical guide to living with a disability or health condition. It contains so much information. The other book I found a year ago is also one from the same website and is called 'Disabiity Rights Handbook'.This has all the information you could want regarding benefits for yourselves, your families and carers and advisors it's great and I wish it had been around a couple of years ago! The ISBN no; for Taking Charge is 978-1-9033-3566-6 and the ISBN no; for the Disabilty rights Handbook is 978-1-903335-68-0 for those who don't have access to a computer or are unable to use one their address is as follows:- Disability Rights UK, CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH and their telephone number is 020 7250 8181. Really hope this helps and you don't have to suffer the hassle I did.
My Story
I thought I'd better let you all know what happened to me. In January 2013 I took my parents and we met my brother for a birthday meal. I thought something wasn't quite right as I had to lift my right leg into the car also during the meal my head felt fuzzy and it was difficult co-ordinating hand to mouth movements with my left hand. I managed to get us all home safely and on the Monday went to the Doctor's, I remember telling her what had happened and saying to her that I thought it was a stroke she agreed and referred me to the stroke clinic in Hull at the Infirmary. We'd acted FAST and an appointment arrived for the Friday just 4 days after seeing the doctor. The specialist at the clinic spoke to me for 20mins and said I hadn't had a stroke but gave me an MRI of my head anyway. I went back to the doctor and told the doctor. A month later during during half term I'd been ill and a few days later infront of my mum and daughter there were 2times when I couldn't speak to answer their questions. This was worrying so we rang for an ambulance, they came and ran all their checks and said it was an anxiety attack and all was fine and they woudn't take me to hospital. The next day in the afternoon I fell over walking to the cloakroom. This triggered us to ring again for an ambulance. They came and ran their checks only to tell me I was fine but this time I insisted they take me to hospital. One of the female ambulance people was the driver and she said I'd have a long wait, trying to put me off, and drove appallingly throwing me about all over the place. Once at A&E I had several episodes infront of the doctor and was admitted. I spent 2 weeks on the stroke ward which I can't remember at all and then 10 weeks on the rehab ward. In March whilst on the rehab ward I had a further stroke and this left me unable to walk, talk, write etc I had to be hoisted in and out of bed - much the same as a cabbage. Also I got pneumonia cos they were giving me ordinary food and as there was aproblem with my soft palate it went down the wrong tube into my lungs. So I had to be fed via a tube through my nose into my stomach. Well that was 3 years ago and now I can talk, write, eat normal food, walk with 2 sticks, drive etc. I've had physio and benn to the gym and now have a personal trainer. My legs are stronger, my arms are stronger, I have muscles I never knew I had. My right arm's a little weaker and my legs and voice have room to improve but I'll get there. When I consider where I am now to where I was then it's amazing the difference. What annoys me is the physio and gym I've had to ask for. The first few weeks of physio were organised by the hospital for when I got home but everything else I've had to sort out. It shouldn't be like this it should be a matter of course, the doctor should suggest it! What I've found is that excecise little and often really does help, so keep doing those excercises cos once you give up you might aswell give up on getting any better.
Another day! Useful phone number.
Hi not raining......yet! What a dreadful time the people in Cumbria, York, Aberdeen and many other places have had. I hope they manage to get sorted soon. Thankfully we've been ok here inspite of being on a flood alert.
I Have bought several things that help me day to day, like a lightweight ironing board, a long handled dustpan and brush, picker upper, a smaller kettle that holds 1 litre and is easier to lift etc. These items, well most of them, can be bought from 'House of Bath'. Their website is at www.houseofbath.co.uk tel no:-0871 984 2000. I have bought a lot of things from them, request a catalogue. The ironing board is expensive but if you buy it in the sale it's more affordable.
Try some excercises like arm curls and raises, step ups, stand up and sit down etc, stand one one leg and then the other while the kettle boils. Anything the smallest thing done regularly will help and you'll eventually notice an improvement. Slow but sure that's the way to go! Bye for now.
Birthday Eve!
HI everyone hope you're all well. Yesterday I took Dad to pick up his car then came home and did some washing. I've finished at the gym now. I got the doctor to refer me and they did 20 weeks for just £33. Great value. Ask your doctor to refer you as there is loads that they can get you to do.The last 4 weeks I've been on the treadmill! Who'd have thought it! i still end up having the odd fall cos I try to do things and realise too late I can't! But my philosophy is that you don't kno w what you can do if you don't try it. Keep going and trying and evetually it will work out and get better. You don't see the improvement day by day but over the weeks and months it does get better so keep going. Don't be disheartened.
Day after my birthday! Yet another useful phone number.
Hi folks hope all is well. I've done washing, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher washed pots filled the slow cooker for tea and that was all before 11am. There was a time when that would take me into the afternoon. So I can definitely do more now. Reaching down to shut the dishwasher is so much easier. So there is improvement! I'll keep trying and having falls cos I try. Usually it's down to a malfunction of equipment now. So that's improvement too! Now the useful number is for a company called CareCo. Check them out on careco.co.uk their number is 0800 328 2000. They are having a January sale at the moment. They sell riser/recliner chairs, scooters, wheelchairs, walkers, bathing aids etc and are really good. I've had seveal bits from them, the latest being a walker which I ordered yesterday and it came today and that was standard postage that they say takes 6-8 days! Another great company is Revitalise holidays they have all the equipment and nurses available too to give you a great holiday their number is 0303 303 0145 and can be found at revitalise.org.uk check them out.
I had a great birthday and had a chinese takeaway for the first time in 4 years! Needless to say it was gorgeous. Today I had some flowers arrive from my friends. They are from Flying Flowers and really were lovely. I've used them before and can certainly recommend them. Tomorrow my sister-in-law and brother are coming and we're out for lunch after a morning sorting my office out!
I have one of those cycle machines which you operate from the comfort of your chair. I can really recommend them. Now after the excercises the personal trainer does with me I have managed to get in the car ith my leg in first! I've done this the last 6 times if the car is close to the kerb! Do something little and often and eventually you will see the difference! Bye!
Another day.
Well what a busy few days! Saturday saw me washing and then having my friend and I had our feet done in our own home. This sparks me off to tell you that you may think a chiropodist is the best person to do your feet and I would say yes if you suspect or have a problem. I thought a chiropodist would be best and when I got out of hospital, with toenails like talons, I booked a chiropodist to come to my home. She cost £25 and all she did was cut my nails and it took her 15 mins! Now I have a beautician who comes to my home to give me a pedicure. This involves her soaking my feet in warm water that has essential oils in it, cutting and filing my nails, buffing them, filing off dead skin, moisturising my feet and painting my nails all for £20. I know which I think is better value!
Sunday I went out for lunch with my Mum and Dad and my daughter which was very nice and had more washing to do.
Yesterday I went to a nearby town to ge £20 worth of £2 coins for my daughter's busfare. Just one weeks worth! I'll be £80 a month better off when I don't have this to pay. The bank in this town has shut! This is a town with several pubs, a post office, two estate agents, 2 Co-Ops, several hairdressers, newsagent, several butchers, a wine bar, several sandwich bars and coffee bars, a bathroom store, a hardware store and several restaurants! Now a small village with 1 pub and a post office I can understand! But a town as big as this?! I Only live about 1/2 a mile from what was the bank and it took around 45mins to go there now it takes me an hour and 45 mins how is this better? There were protests outside the bank and I wrote to the town council and to my local mp and rang HSBC and left a complaint too. So I did what I could all to no avail!
Several times I have emailed my mp or written to him. It took over 9 months to sort out my PIP payment. What do you live on during this time?! I used some of my savings but what if you don' have this luxury?! Ok I know they back date it but thats not the point. It also took 9 months or more to sort out my driving licence. At one point I was notified that my current licence would run out so knowing that they had to contct me about the fact I'd passed my assessment etc I rang the DVLA to ask if I should renew it. First I was told no then in the same conversation I was told yes.....confused!? So I renewed it for a cost of £20! I was told I'd receive it after 6 weeks, I didn't so I rang them to be told yes they were keeping it and it was just the picture that had run out so I'd paid £20 just for the pleasure of a new picture! Suffice to say my mp got another email. Don't be frightened to get in touch with them, they will do what they can and at the very least they should know the problems that ordinary people have to face on a day to day basis. Make them work for their money!
Hope you're keeping up with those excercises.....little and often. Reap the rewards! You'll get there. Speak to you soon pepes.
Yet more phone numbers!
Hi all hope you are ok. Well what have I done? On Monday I managed to get to the bank in the neaby town. What used to take just about 40mins takes me an hour longer! I have to go to get to the ca, drivee to the bank. get my walker out walk to the bank, get the coins ,walk to the car, drive home and get inside. I have to drive at least 10 times further! What an effort. Tuesday I did my excerises.......step ups, arm raises, sit to stands and leg raises! I can now reach the top of the door with my right arm, which is the weakest one. On Wenesday my personal trainer came so I did more excercises. Yesterday I climbed the stairs and cleaned the pictures on the stairs so great therapy for reaching and mobility. I also went with my friend to fetch her daughter from school as she was ill and my friends car was having it's MOT done. It's good to be able to heland do something for someone rather than them always having to do things for me. Today my personal trainer comes so more excercises. I definitely think it's helping.
I've had lots of aids from Coopers. Their phone no; is 0844 482 4400.I do have to say though that recently I ordered their 4 step safety ladder and had to send it back. This was because the second step was too close to the front of the first one so I steped onto the first step and wanted to bring my left foot onto it but the angleyou could get between your right foot and it's knee was not acute enough because of the second step being in the way. So it didn't work for me maybe it will be ok for you the only way to know is to try it. Definitely woth ringing them and getting a catologue or for those with access to the internet look online at www.coopersofstortford.co.uk to look at their aids. The other company I have to tell you about is REVITALISE they provide resite holidays and themed breaks for disabled people and their carers. I haven't succumbed yet but am tempted as they have all the equipment you may need and also nursing care if its needed, however much you need. Their number is 0303 303 0145 visit revitalise.org.uk for more info or a brochure. Check them out. Bye for now and keep up with those excercises and try new things you don't know what you can do if you don't try. Vaccuuming nd ironing were difficult at firs and it took ages to get things set up but they're much, much easier now. So imrovement will happen. Keep going and smiling however bad it is.
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I never do, just move on.............