I had to get on here again to hopefully inspire you like I've been inspired! So for the last 15 days I've made sure at some point I do the excecises that Stuart from physiofunction told me to do and so far getting in the car has been easier and my left foot has been able to move up and over the sill when I get in! Im on twitter and Kate Allatt who had total locked in syndrome and who is now a speaker and activist for stroke sent me a link to a speech she'd done. Wow how inspiring! That made me even more determined to improve. Her book Running Free is brilliant! So is In The Blink of an Eye by Peter Coghlan too! Both these people and their recovery is inspiring and urges you to never give up. So inspired I was that on Sunday I went to the pics and instead of using my wheelchair as normal I never took it and walked with my walker AND with some help climbed 3 steps to sit on the 1st row of the normal seating.....a normal cinema seat! Yahoo no neck and shoulder pain! I think I spent the 1st half of the movie wondering if I'd be able to get up as the seats are lower than I'm used to! But I thought whats the worst that could happen. I managed it! I was so tired after though and slept that night. So be brave and try things. Kate has since sent a tweet that with a you tube link to a video that she's done which encourages people to do loads of repetition and to keep doing the excercise. What amazes me is that no-one ever told me this! All the research I have read says the 1st 6mnths is the time most improvement is made and then survivors are likely to see a dip in improvement so much so they think things are going backwards. It's ever more important to keep going and not give up. When in hospital I was unable to talk so could not ask questions and to be honestI don't think I could have dealt with what I'd be told emotionally etc. It wasn't unti I'd been home 18mths that I could've dealtwith what I'd be told and ask questios by which time I was discharged from my stoke specialist! Things like this should be told to you! Theresearch etc I've read says that things do improve even years after so I'm giving it every chance to! I'll be best version of myself. We will never be 'normal' whatever that is but we can be the best we can be!