16. Mar, 2017


I had to get on here again to hopefully inspire you like I've been inspired! So for the last 15 days I've made sure at some point I do the excecises that Stuart from physiofunction told me to do and so far getting in the car has been easier and my left foot has been able to move up and over the sill when I get in! Im on twitter and Kate Allatt who had total locked in syndrome and who is now a speaker and activist for stroke sent me a link to a speech she'd done. Wow how inspiring! That made me even more determined to improve. Her book Running Free is brilliant! So is In The Blink of an Eye by Peter Coghlan too! Both these people and their recovery is inspiring and urges you to never give up. So inspired I was that on Sunday I went to the pics and instead of using my wheelchair as normal I never took it and walked with my walker AND with some help climbed 3 steps to sit on the 1st row of the normal seating.....a normal cinema seat! Yahoo no neck and shoulder pain! I think I spent the 1st half of the movie wondering if I'd be able to get up as the seats are lower than I'm used to! But I thought whats the worst that could happen. I managed it! I was so tired after though and slept that night. So be brave and try things. Kate has since sent a tweet that with a you tube link to a video that she's done which encourages people to do loads of repetition and to keep doing the excercise. What amazes me is that no-one ever told me this! All the research I have read says the 1st 6mnths is the time most improvement is made and then survivors are likely to see a dip in improvement so much so they think things are going backwards. It's ever more important to keep going and not give up. When in hospital I was  unable to talk so could not ask questions and to be honestI don't think I could have dealt with what I'd be told emotionally etc. It wasn't unti I'd been home 18mths that I could've dealtwith what I'd be told and ask questios by which time I was discharged from my stoke specialist! Things like this should be told to you! Theresearch etc I've read says that things do improve even years after so I'm giving it every chance to! I'll be best version of myself. We will never be 'normal' whatever that is but we can be the best we can be!

2. Mar, 2017

At last!!

Finally an update! Things have been happening since I last spoke. We had a stroke meeting last month which went very well and last Monday I went to an Induction training meeting for the stroke association. It was good to meet some new people. 

I've had a visit from PhysioFunction too. After their indepth assessment their physio Stuart has given me lots of excercises to do at home, mainly balace, which is important and needs improvement. He's wanting to team up with a personal trainer for them to come out each week to me. Have upped the excerise now to at least every day. I'm inspired again! so keep going I know only too well hoow hard it is to keep it up.

Spring is on the way with daffodils coming into flower, at last better days are coming. Stay positive!

Have had a further appointment with the renal specialist too. Yet more tablets! My blood pressure is still too high and as I have sleep apnea this latest table is supposed to counteract the extra hormone or enzyme it produces which increases the blood presure. So it counteracts it to reduce it.

I've made 2 batches of orange marmalade for the 1st time in 4 yrs !Hoorah! I've bought a half size pan from Lakeland. 4 yrs ago I couldn't have lifted this pan let alone a full size one so improvement in the strength of my arms. As for chopping the peel!

I've found a great handcream too. It's Clarins Super Restorative Handcream and it's great. It doesn't leave your hands greasy and slippery it's absorbed straight into your hands, which all those that use sticks will appreciate. It definitley makes my hands feel moor elastic and the dry patches from usings sticks are beginning to go. I use it last thing at night and first thing in the morning.I know it's expensive but it's worth it!

Another huge imrovement is that the other day I actually picked something up automatically, without thinking about it for the first time! Yahoo! This really is a huge thing as other stroke survivors wil  know that we usually have to think about where our feet are etc and the whole thing takes several seconds.

Keep going It does get easier I can testament to that! See You all!

23. Jan, 2017

New Year! New you!

Hi there and a Happy New Year to you all! I never make resolutions as they always get broken at some point! But I'm going to endeavour to keep stretching myself so my improvement keeps going. Before Christmas I got in touch with a company called PhysioFunction. They have offices all around the country and might have one near you. They treat people who've had stroke along with many other neurological conditions too and use FES functional electrical stimulation to help. I'm awaiting some further contact. What makes me so mad is that all his help is soooo expensive and here we are managing on benefit etc and we have to pay extra for everything and need extra aids which all cost money!

Since updating this I have filled in several, surveys 2 from the University of Southampton about stroke and my experience and how it affects me. I've kept up with my twitter account too and retweeted useful stroke information and other things too. One of my twitter contacts @rutlandmum is also a stroke survivor and she too has problems with walking and her balance, so we encourage each other to go forward and improve. Just recently she has had a holiday in India and posted pictures of her self being carried in her wheelchair up several flight of stairs to a temple! I messaged her to say how brave I thought she was going to India. She said a friend had said not to go as her condition didn't lend itself to her going but she said no she had to live with the condition so she'd go! That's the kind of spirit we all need to have. Please remember this story when you ever feel put off doing something new.

I subscribe to a magazine called Able and I can really recommend it. It's really interesting and useful. This week it had a holiday supplement and there are several companies that will do holidays with carers in their  hotel one of these companies is called Revitalise. They have nurses on site that can help with your care. There are also holiday cottages too so I'm sure they'll be something that suits. Foreign holidays too so we CAN go on holiday!

Last tuesday was a Stroke meeting. Not many people there but hopefully we can advertise and soon every stroke survivor can attend. But what a huge surprise, our stroke association attendee had put me forward for the stroke awards - Adult Courage - and although I didnt win gave me certificate! I was so shocked and stunned I've never thought what I do shows courage, I've just wanted to improve outcomes for others and help them.

That's all for now and keep doing those excercises it will help in the long run even if sometimes things appear to go backwards. It's like it just has to remind you!

23. Dec, 2016


23. Dec, 2016

23/12/16 Happy Christmas and New Year to you all!

Well I hope things are improving for you all! Remember if it doesn't seem like it is it will eventually! So keep going and hang on in there! Well I've been referred to a renal specialist as my kidney fnction has gone down by 5x! Got taken off ramipril for my blood pressure and given something else, now I've had the appointment. He said it was nthing to do with my medication, he had no idea what it could be. He prescribed a water tablet to stopp my wheezing which I thought was due to my asthma. I'd also noticed that my feet and legs were puffy with water too. Now I've had these tablet for just 3 days and my breathing is so much better and its improved my voice too. My legs are going down and my arms and hands too! My watch is now slipping down my wrist all sounds great except the down side is I'm rushing to the toilet every 20 mins too. But due to my legs and feet being les swollen my mobility is so much better. So all those excercise Sam had me doing have paid off. Had a blood test and have to have an ultrasound scan and then see him again in February!

What have I been doing for the last month or so? Well nothing exciting no more dashing about in fast cars, mores the pity! Just been doing ordinary stuff and housework and trying to keep up with my excercises too. Which is difficult without Sam to encourage and make you do them, it's easy to find an excuse but not a good idea to.

For the last 10 months I've been seing someone. You'd think this couldn't be furthest from your mind, but last October it was the first time I looked in the mirror and saw me! The first time since 2013. So those that know me will know that I've used dating sites before. Well I thought I'd use a new one to before. so I posted my profile and was completely honest about my strokes etc and thought no-one would take me on but last Feruary someone did! Much to my surpise, and wasn't put off by my mobility problems. He can clearly see alot of good points which I can't. So don't think this is the end etc even in the most horrible situations you can find good and brilliant things happen.

It just remains for me to wish you allthe best for 2017 and for christmas day too and to encourage you to have faith and keep doing your excercises!