Sunny but still cold.
Hi folks I'm back again! Hope we're all doing ok and coping with things and doing excercise however small. I had my personal trainer on Wedneday. Great and a big improvement to all of the excecises! I think it's a combination of strengthening those muscles and then doing excercise to improve the range of movement. Next week is the end of my 10wks at reduced rate on her referral system, so what to do in future? The benefits have been so good and noticeable that I want to continue to have her visit twice a week. Those peole in the East Yorkshire area can view her website which she's getting up and running, on and contact her for a session. She'll meet you first to assess your needs and weaknesses then on her next visit she'll have an excercise plan designed to suit you. I can't shout her praises enough.
We're off to pick up my daughter's prom dress later on. Had no success in sorting the transport out. I've emailed 4 providers and they haven't replied. So watch this space. Yesterday I went to see the film Dirty Grandpa! What a mistake! It should've been called Obscene Grandpa and I was really surprised to see it's only rated a 15! Every other word was the F word and when it wasn't the F word it was s**t that was used, sexual references too, some I didn't know and had to think about and I'm no angel I can assure you. I don't mind some swearing but this was gratuitous.
Keep up with the excercises even if you feel despondant cos you will get there. I hope you've checked out the website I've told you about have a look if you can cos you just might find something useful and please complete the survey.